Friday, January 1, 2010

Ayurvedic Spa Will I Have To Go To India To Go To An Ayurvedic Retreat-I Know There Are Some In The U.S. But They Are VERY?

Will I have to go to India to go to an Ayurvedic retreat-I know there are some in the U.S. but they are VERY? - ayurvedic spa

Expensive and not parts cuts like a spa as a place with many people in the wealthy West. I'm happy for the real deal.
Has anyone made an accommodation or Ayurvedic Panchakarma experience?

1 comment:

sad tad said...

Oh my God ... These people have no ideal what they want! exactly what you want? I'm interested ... Looking for a relaxing environment, what you said ... or studying medicine? There is a great school at the University of Arizona in Tucson, was opened dass Weil. Ayurveda is the science and philosophies Chinse for health professionals.

but I think you should at the cost of the flight, hotel, looking for transportation, etc. some local cons ... Travel and at the moment is much more difficult. Moreover, a passport if you do not already have one, is several hundred dollars.

Good luck! Please let me know what I discovered ... as I am a student ... Indian yoga and I'm really very interested ayurvda.

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