Thursday, February 18, 2010

What Does Sharp Pain The The Shoulder Blade Mean Sharp Shooting Pain All Over Back And Shoulder Blade?

Sharp shooting pain all over back and shoulder blade? - what does sharp pain the the shoulder blade mean

I'm just a teenager with a healthy, but I have difficulty breathing, dizziness me often when I get out of bed or chair. Anyway, I have some time in months, severe pain in the back and / or my shoulder blade. I told my mother, and she told me to take a shower because I can itching (I have also said I was itching so I tried to scratch to see if it itches). But sometimes, it would manage more than in the past, when I stop what he was doing and I told my mother. So what does this mean? I do not understand because I have some trouble breathing, or what? I need answers please.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Mairon this description, competent health care professionals, directly to your doctor. Points of diseases of the airways in the lungs.
With the increase dizziness (also known as orthostatic hypotension) is a container) (blood, a question that can be caused by lack of oxygen in the brain. which highlights the lungs.
if u do not already know, your lungs in the upper chest are to see behind the shoulder blades. In other words, the acute pain and the importance of the lung ..

The point in trying to make is that there are many red flags in front of my face, hovering in reading, I would recommend to their GP) (GP visit as soon as possible. seriously. I know it sucks going to the doctor, and I know hisHis mother thinks he should not much, but u go see him, can be anything, but can also be a serious problem. at least one chest radiograph, and let your doctor will listen () listen to the lungs.

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