Thursday, February 4, 2010

What Happens When You Dont Do Community Service What Happens If I Dont Do My Community Service By?

What happens if i dont do my community service by? - what happens when you dont do community service

If the judge wanted.
Since none of the hour.



SadieB said...

It is for the judge to decide what exactly will happen, but it is more likely to be the things that you are guilty of contempt of court because it was with the order, which includes adding more to meet their office or in prison and possibly a fine. I suggest that you have a couple of hours before he was in court or have not done a very good excuse why) to secure (compared to. Apologize like crazy and hope for the best.

jacktrad... said...

They have a lot of details left here.
Please note that the judge in the long run. This means he has the freedom to almost anything he wants to do, because his court, his decision based on criteria that it considers inappropriate or Germain of topics, including how to comply with the court in various ways, such as the horrific nature of the crime or violation, the attitude and performance in relation to the proceedings and the will to live by the rules of the court (in the sense that the court) assumed full responsibility over all things.
Frankly, I had X amount of time to such things as community service to serve instead of paying time and money and not fulfilling his obligation, then you can better gosh damn good reason (not excuse) not to do!
You grant an extension of his probationary period, your trial period is not satisfactory, as well as the imposition of sanctions or penalties as an alternative resource.
From my experience, something not done in the context of a judicial review. However, if this is have the case may be, the Supervisory Boardsummarily successful from the payment of a fee, and paid back again before the same judge and by this time, if the fine is the question.
Note that even if the dismissal were the words of supervision fines are not paid or a warrant for his arrest may be issued unsatisfactory.
Well, if you could tell me more about what we say talk, I could no longer be final and ergo the diatribe here. I hear the words of the lawyer, but a dial-law issue in general, it can help a small consultation fee, we can actually talk to a lawyer.
If nothing else, to see what kind of service shall provide and bind to the date of the next meeting is. This suggests that it is possible that attention could show the judge his opinion in a positive way to his mouth in order to maintain the flow of feelings towards you in both directions help. A suit has not even care, but for him, if there is no lottery.

princess... said...

Depends on what you have done wrong and how many hours it was. You can get a heavy fine, I mean at least $ 300, then catch up. Or arrested. Sorry, my friend, would have been easier ways to do when. Good luck.

princess... said...

Depends on what you have done wrong and how many hours it was. You can get a heavy fine, I mean at least $ 300, then catch up. Or arrested. Sorry, my friend, would have been easier ways to do when. Good luck.

mudbug said...

No? You are guilty of contempt of court. Instead, in some clean underwear and pack a toothbrush, because you will be blocked.

tallerfe... said...

You get to go to jail.

Hope you live in Arizona, and you have some valuable time ............ Sheriff Joe's tent city spending

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