Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dc Gay Cruising Spots Have There Ever Been Any Gay Characters In A DC Comic?

Have there ever been any gay characters in a DC comic? - dc gay cruising spots

Therefore, DC, had a gay character? And I mean a gay character correctly, not just a field of one or Robin.


She Hulk Smish said...

Yes, Batgirl!

Talyseon said...

The Pied Piper of Hamelin, an old enemy of Flash is out of the closet, as the hero of the Tasmanian devil. Vertigo Comics John Constantine is bisexual, and it was a great remake of "Rawhide Kid and age of the child as a big butch queen.

Obsidione, son of the flash of a golden age is gay and in a relationship.

Element Lad and Lightning shy girl of the Legion of Superheroes were gay, but can not in the continuity of messages. Could be Invisible Kid.

Batwoman is a lesbian.

Marvel Comics made better with gay characters. And I always thought the Riddler was just trying to get a spanking too. I mean really, just want the attention of Batman. The prey is a sideline.

KMcG said...

It was a story of gay Supergirl. I do not remember the name of the character I was interested in Supergirl.

Dead End said...

Bam. ...

Dead End said...

Bam. ...

Dead End said...

Bam. ...

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